Degree Programmes
in 2020, 54 students from 18 different countries are taking Masters and Doctorates through Wesley House's partnerships with Anglia Ruskin University, the University of Cambridge and Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, USA
Learn more about research degrees at www.wesley.cam.ac.uk/research
Learn more about Masters level degress at www.wesley.cam.ac.uk/study
Pastoral and Reflective Supervision
The Principal, Jane Leach is a world expert on Reflective Supervision and has published books on this subject in 2010, 2015 and 2019. She has been responsible for the roll out of Supervision in the Methodist Church in Britain.
Wesley House is using this expertise to introduce Supervision into the United Methodist Church in the USA to strengthen its support and accountability for clergy and build a relational and spiritually attentive substructure for the future church that draws on the strengths of the Wesleyan heritage.
Sabbatical visitors
We are pleased to welcome occasional visitors to stay with us for short and longer term stays throughout the year.
Holiness Journal
Wesley House produces and funds a free online peer-reviewed Journal, Holiness.
You can read the journal and sign up to be updated when a new edition is published at www.wesley.cam.ac.uk/holiness
Our library houses some 18,000 volumes. Within its broad general collection, the library has specialisms in church history and pastoral theology. There is also a Methodist library of 4,000-4,500 volumes. These include: a long run of the Arminian/Methodist Magazine from volume 1 to about 1880; some collections of 19th-century pamphlets; a near-complete run of Wesleyan Conference Minutes and of British Methodism since Union; and the standard periodicals.
Through our membership of the Cambridge Theological Federation our ibrary users can access collections of more than 140,000 volumes (books and print journals) across 12 library sites.